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Our staff is both dedicated and highly trained, with a strong sense of commitment to ensuring the success of our company through providing the best service to our customers.
Everyone at Casa Del Flora has the responsibility and authority to do whatever it takes to make every project a success.
Over the past 35 years we worked hard to stay always up to date to provide you with the most creative ideas in the new designs.
From a team of 15 people and the first Casa Del Flora that opened in 1974, Casa Del Flora has grown to a team of 120 specialized florists, designers and technicians. Casa Del Flora activities now also include flower production, wedding decorations as well as retail and wholesale of flowers and accessories for florists alike.
Here are the services that we provide for you to make your experience easy and pleasant:
- A wide variety of designs to choose
- Free consultation
- Wedding with a theme
- Delivery and set up
- Color and gallery flowers glossary
- Quality
For your ceremony, be it a formal wedding in a church or a natural one in a private backyard or garden, or a theme wedding in a winery. You will find a host of ideas to get you started.
We have a large portfolio of bouquets for your bridesmaids and maid-of-honor. Choose a style from the following patterns: cascading, handtied, nosegay or anything that fits into your wedding theme. Choose your colors to coordinate with the rest of the wedding flowers.
Centerpieces give your guests the long lasting impression. They gather around the tables most of the time during their presence at your wedding, sharing fun, food and conversation with each other. You can give away the centerpieces as a prize for games or to someone special as a thank you gift. They add color and interest to your reception.